How To Improve Self-Esteem Quickly And Easily

By Masha Kuilboer

Your pattern of thought keeps you in this never ending circle of self sabotage and this pattern is usually a direct result from your dominating environmental surroundings.We are Victims of our Environment.I have read a few bio's of young entrepreneurs that are in there teens age years. One of the teens had a best selling book, and another a million dollar tech company. That kind of thing puts me to shame but interestingly I notice that over 90% of the teens listed showed that there family was rich, knowledgeable, or well established in there professions.On the website, Alltop, Harvard Business School has a really nice website for the education of professionals that don't actually take classes on the campus. Harvard has another website dedicated for more campus based information which states.

"Into two years of leadership practice immersed in real-world challenges. Into a diverse community of colleagues and faculty reflecting a world of talents, beliefs, and backgrounds. Into an intense period of personal and professional transformation that prepares them for challenges in any functional area-anywhere in the world."According to an article: bizjournals.There has been 10 students starting Tech Companies that are attending Harvard Business School just November last year. Harvard is also know for the reputable speakers that drop by Harvard to educate it's students about entrepreneurship.

For example, try brisk walking in a park, one that is full of exciting plants and flowers, lakes and ducks, or running on a treadmill looking out of the window onto a panoramic view of a luscious landscape, perhaps cycling on a path leading to a relaxing picnic area or a nursery, or join an exercise class like yoga or Pilates and meet people along the way. Experiment and find out what exercise routine excites you.

Stick to Your Principles.A person of dignity and principles can always believe in him or herself. In times of low self confidence he or she can take great encouragements for following and maintaining principles. You need to hold on to something and it cannot be better than sticking to principles. You can tell yourself when it comes to how to improve self confidence that you have followed your principles at all times in life and that it is a very great virtue you have.Set Some Goals.You need to have an aim in life. Life goes on and you need to move on with it. You can and should always set some goals and try to achieve them using your abilities and qualities. These goals can be anything such as planning to go out with friends for a picnic, spending an evening out with friends, planning a night out etc. So setting goals and trying to achieve them can increase your self confidence gradually but steadily.

The important thing to remember is, as a beginner, start an exercise routine and build on it gradually. The big mistake some people do is they try to do too much too quickly and end up quitting not long after they started. This can give them the, 'I'm a failure' feeling and can lower their self-esteem, making them feel bad about themselves.Do your best to fit exercise in your life. Feel better, look better, feel happier. The question: how to improve self-esteem is now in the past. You know the answer. Exercise and have a higher self-esteem and a great attitude about yourself and life. And that's for starters. Try it out and see and feel the benefits for yourself.

For a person to succeed in almost anything that they do, there is a need for them to increase their self-confidence. It is critical that you trust yourself to do something before setting out to try it. That is a weapon for success. To a good number of people, this self-confidence is naturally within them while many others have found it hard to achieve the required level for success. All is not lost though, as there is a way forward on what to do in order to be confident enough for a successful mission. Here are a few tips that you can trust to increase self confidence:

Have a realistic assessment of life's problems. So you can find appropriate solutions to your problems, you have to evaluate them realistically. For example, traffic and a bad hair day won't become problems if you don't evaluate them as such. Difficulties, problems and obstacles will always be a part of life. So you need to learn to accept the fact that life is and will never be perfect. If you are able to see things in a realistic perspective, you will be able to face problems and challenges more effectively.

The ultimate key to improved self esteem.So, if having high self esteem can be so beneficial, many people ask, how can they go about improving their self esteem levels? And that is where we come to learn that there is one (ultimate) way in which you can change your thinking patterns - and hence increase your happiness.The ultimate way in which you can improve self esteem and increase your happiness is by simply by starting to treat yourself as a 'dear friend.' Self esteem is basically a question of the relationship you have with yourself. If you don't respect yourself, if you are perpetually criticizing yourself (mentally), if you don't take proper care of yourself, it is hard to have high self esteem. Start treating yourself as a dear friend in every way, in every moment. That's the key point, the rest are details! We venture to look at those 'details' now.

Self affirmation as a way to improve self esteem.One of the ways in which you can treat yourself as a dear friend, and hence improve your self esteem would be by affirming yourself. Friends affirm each other (not necessarily through the use of the so-called 'affirmations' but also through their moment to moment dialogs). Thus, if your moment to moment dialog with yourself is self-affirming, rather than self-depreciating, you are likely to ultimately end up with high self esteem. Of course, to change yourself in this way, you'd have to change your long-held thinking habits - which can be a challenging piece of work -- but the benefits are worth the effort.Keeping promises to oneself as a way to improve self esteem.Another way in which you can treat yourself as a dear friend and hence improve your self esteem would be by keeping promises you make to yourself. Friends keep the promises they make to each other. In this context, this mostly means acting on your plans (rather than chronically messing up with your plans). If you plan to do something, and you don't do it, your self-esteem actually takes a beating.

Do something! You will not develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from obstacles. Taking action will make you feel better about yourself, regardless if you succeed or fail. If you let your fear and anxiety hold you back from taking action, you will end up feeling frustrated, sad and discontented with yourself.

Kindness to oneself as a way to improve self esteem.Being kind to yourself is yet another way in which you can change your thinking habits and increase your happiness. This is about learning how to forgive yourself when you blunder. It can be integrated with the point we have just discussed about not breaking your promises. So when, unfortunately, you break your promises to yourself, you forgive yourself fast.Self acceptance as a way to improve self esteem.Accepting yourself just as you are is another way in which you can improve self esteem and increase your happiness. Remember, there is a school of thought which holds the view that 'the body is the self.' Thus, when you accept your body fully (just as it is - which you can do through the use of the appropriate affirming statements) and carry it with pride, your self esteem receives a huge boost.

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