Reiki Training Facts

By Nurettin Buitenkamp

Imagine yourself for a moment, breathing deeply with eyes closed. Each inhalation tastes sweet and you can feel the stress of your day exiting your body with each exhalation. The healing effects of Reiki Energy surge through your body and you can feel your tense muscles relax, the anxious chatter of your mind quiet. These are the practical benefits of Reiki Energy Healing and they can be yours. As you read every word of this brief article, you will learn how you can receive Certified Reiki Training from the comfort of your own home!

Since its discovery in the early 1920's, the healing effects of Reiki Energy have been used to treat everything from psychological conditions to cancerous tumors. One would assume that such a powerfully effective healing art would "catch on" quickly, and spread like wildfire.Now, while Reiki as a holistic healing alternative did become popular rather quickly (especially in its country of origin, Japan), its benefits remained confined to only a very fortunate few. For the first several decades of its existence, certified Reiki training was limited only to the most ambitious and affluent of students. Becoming a Reiki Master required several years of highly supervised instruction and practice as well as a very large sum of money. One could not even consider Master-Level Reiki Training unless he or she was able to come up with the mandatory $10,000 fee applied to this level.

Reiki energy relaxes both mind and body,Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and mentally as well as physically as a consequence of their work. The great advantage with it is that practitioners do not get depleted as they administer Reiki to others. They are like channels for universal energy and do not use their own energy in their work.This energy works on all levels of our being. Using Reiki healing energy on oneself can boost and enhance energy levels after a long day.What people are saying about using Reiki with Tai Chi and Meditation,Reiki is a wonderful compliment to other relaxation techniques and to the martial arts.

It is important for you to understand that this quickly became the "new" standard of traditional training and that most in-person training courses use this same pricing and format even today. The total cost of training comes to an average of about $1000, not including travel time and any time-off-work that may be necessary in order to receive instruction.The Modern Method,Thanks to the introduction of the Internet and distance-learning programs into our society, certified Reiki training has become far more accessible to the average person. Reiki Home Study Courses are now available for a fraction of the cost of more traditional training methods. These courses allow the student of Reiki several advantages over the "older" way of learning in-class through consecutive weekend workshops. Some of these advantages are:

Save a LOT of money,Freedom to learn at your own pace,Instantly download lessons and begin your education immediately,Be in control of your Time Expenditure,Become a Certified Reiki Master for less than the cost of Reiki Level I training,Learn comfortably, without awkward big-group incidents,Reduce your carbon footprint (Go Green!),Receive personalized attention that extends beyond course completion.Receiving quality education from the comfort of your own home has become the most popular way to learn because it allows the student ultimate freedom and control of their own progress.

A large factor when considering quality Reiki training courses is the speed at which the course can be completed. When dealing with the personal development of an innate healing ability, there really is no "cookie-cutter" learning path. A good distance-learning program will allow you to progress at your own pace. Every person is entirely unique and a home study course allows the student total control over their learning journey and its duration.

In Reiki Level One or First Degree you are introduced to energy through a practice called attunement. You will acquire Level One after you learn about the 4 attunements; the information is taught in two days. The teachings will expose you to the healing energy of Reiki. This is called an initiation and it is where the Reiki Master will teach you how to open your chakras so you can receive this powerful Universal Life Force.During each attunement you will be developing your relationship with energy. You will learn how it feels within your body, and how to work with it. You will also learn of the effects on using this Life Energy on yourself and others.Once you have been attuned to Level One, you will be capable of channeling the Reiki energy. Channeling means bringing energy to your body at will and then being able to transfer it to others.

Receiving quality Reiki training from the comfort of your own home through a Reiki Home Study Course is a Green Alternative. If you're conscious of your environment and seeking ways to create a healthy one, there is simply no better way to learn.

Once you conclude Reiki Level Two training, you will again have to go through a 21 day cleaning phase where you'll remove any negative energy that your body may be holding.Most Reiki students will be pleased with what they have learned after completing Level Two. But a few will be interested in becoming Masters so they will continue to Reiki Level Three training.There are two options for Level Three. The first one is called "3A" and it is meant for those that want to become Masters to practice Reiki on themselves and others but are not interested in teaching Reiki. The second and final option is Third Degree or Reiki Master in which you will not only be a healer but you'll become a trainer as well.

It is recommended to wait between 6 to 12 months before taking Reiki Level Three, to allow for extensive practice and experience. When you feel ready, you will again undergo a two day session so you may receive your final attunement. There will be another 21 day cleaning period after this attunement. The highest form of energy is received during this Level Three training. Some courses may also include a new Reiki modality in the syllabus, such as the Seichim to help you through. This will enable you as the practitioner to come up with your own lesson plans, and develop your guides and manuals to teach Reiki. One subject you will learn in this level is related to the boundaries and ethics of being a Reiki Master. Some Reiki training courses will require you to pass a test that consists on creating a Level One module for training meant to treat new patients.There are many ways in with you can enroll in a Reiki training course. It is available in some institutions, through home study programs, online learning classes and distance instruction. You just have to do some research for you to find the best option available for you.If you decide to join a class, look for one with a limited amount of students for you to get plenty of hands-on experience, and individual attention from the instructor. They are usually limited to 4 to 8 students.We are all able to learn and experience the wonders of Reiki. No prior experience or qualifications are required other than to keep an open mind to let the positive energy flow and achieve balance in body, mind and spirit.

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