One of the most prevalent psychological disorders today is SAD and it is estimated that there are up to 12% of people suffering with some degree of social anxiety disorder symptoms today.Social anxiety occurs when someone suffers from dread, uneasiness or fear about a social interaction which can be a cause of a major obstacle in their life. It is quite different from shyness, which is more of a personality trait, where someone may prefer to not expose themselves to social situations. Social anxiety is a problem when the sufferer is unable to involve themselves in normal situations without significant emotional stress.
First off, do you have a fear for social situations? If you feel an unexplained feeling of terror whenever you're confronted with the idea of having to talk to someone to ask for directions for example, then you're probably suffering from some degree of social anxiety disorder.Another way that you'll be able to tell if you have a social anxiety disorder is by checking if you have a fear of people gathering in a social event. It can be a small party or a big event, if you feel like your heart's racing just from thinking about it, you might have a problem in your hands. You might even get nightmares or have difficulty sleeping as you get closer to the date. If you find yourself avoiding all social events completely, then you definitely have a problem.
Anxious behaviours can include avoidance - for example, simply avoiding social situations, or being excessively late, or making excuses to leave. They can also involve using mobile phones to avoid talking to others or making them uncomfortable. Their behaviour is centred on avoiding or escaping a situation that has made them uncomfortable and promoted anxiety. These responses and behaviours are essentially learned responses that enable reduction of anxiety. A sufferer from social anxiety may also excessively groom themselves or spend too long preparing for social situations - again a method to help them reduce their anxiety.
Symptoms of GAD are:Low levels of concentration. You know what you're supposed to do but you just can't get yourself to do them as you are constantly thinking about many things things are negative.On edge or loss of control. Are you noticing you argue a lot or tiny things can set you off? Tiredness. This symptom links in to the ones above. Constantly feeling lethargic resulting in not getting things done which your mind then dwells on you then become irritated, your body becomes fatigued as the muscle tension then keeps us tired and the cycle repeats.Constant negative thoughts. This is the biggest key to overcoming your anxiety. Negative thoughts can be that you're seeing something bad happening all the time. This in itself will restrict your life. Things like going on holiday, driving or leaving the house.
People who are unfortunate enough to suffer from social anxiety to a significant degree can find that their lives can be held back in terms of love and relationships, at work, with friends, at play, and even with their families. When these symptoms start to be triggered by everyday things such as meeting a stranger, starting a conversation, entering a new place or even holding eye contact with someone, then it can be a major problem. Fortunately, there are techniques available to help sufferers break free from this and live an anxiety free life.Stress and anxiety is very normal in everyone's life, but would you be able to recognise if you had any generalized anxiety disorder symptoms?
Normal anxiety is beneficial in an odd sort of way to complete tasks successfully and to respond to threats in a helpful way. Chronic, excessive and exaggerated worry without any valid causes for worry is called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD for short).When a person is constantly worried, nervous, anxious and uneasy for six months or more, he is said to suffer from this condition. GAD can affect a person physically, socially and occupationally. To avoid all the adverse effects of GAD, it must be diagnosed in the early stages. You should know the symptoms to help you make the right diagnosis.What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?It is important to note that everyone experiencing GAD does not have the same symptoms. The symptoms may vary from one person to another depending upon the cause and the severity of the disorder. However, there are some common symptoms of GAD. They are as follows:
This anxiety disorder can make living difficult for people; in fact, it has already affected over 19 million Americans. The important thing to point out is that many people are unaware of their situation and therefore know very little about their mental illness. It is often the duty and burden of friends and family to help these sufferers to cope by understanding their problem. This is when it becomes crucial to learn a little more about anxiety disorder symptoms.
What are the physical symptoms of GAD?Tightened, strained and tense muscles are one of the physical symptoms. When your muscles are stressed, you may feel persistent muscular pain.The next physical symptom is fatigue. If you have GAD, you feel exhausted and tired almost always.Insomnia - Most of the people who suffer from GAD have sleeping problems. They have difficulty in falling asleep and in staying asleep. Lack of sleep aggravates the anxiety problem.Stomach problems like nausea, abdominal pain and cramps and digestive problems are symptoms of anxiety.Light-headedness and headaches are common physical symptoms of GAD.Other physical symptoms include frequent urination, hot flashes, sweating, trembling, and trouble in swallowing and increase in the heartbeat.What are the behavioural symptoms of GAD?Difficulty in concentrating is the first and foremost behavioural symptom.
Another serious issue is that these people find it difficult to sleep at night. Sleep disturbance and unsatisfying sleep patterns are two definite symptoms that you can also relate to anxiety disorder. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand the importance of having a satisfying nights sleep. This is another reason why you will find anxiety disorder sufferers fatigued with low levels of energy.If you see these symptoms in a friend or family member, you should never rule out the possibility that they are suffering from anxiety disorder.
However, before you finally reach such a conclusion, it is important to check a few other symptoms such as irritability, difficult concentrating, and muscle tension. If you witness all of these symptoms in a person and over a period of time such as for the last few months, this is a sure sign of them becoming a victim of anxiety disorder. So, educate yourself about anxiety disorder symptoms to help your loved ones.
First off, do you have a fear for social situations? If you feel an unexplained feeling of terror whenever you're confronted with the idea of having to talk to someone to ask for directions for example, then you're probably suffering from some degree of social anxiety disorder.Another way that you'll be able to tell if you have a social anxiety disorder is by checking if you have a fear of people gathering in a social event. It can be a small party or a big event, if you feel like your heart's racing just from thinking about it, you might have a problem in your hands. You might even get nightmares or have difficulty sleeping as you get closer to the date. If you find yourself avoiding all social events completely, then you definitely have a problem.
Anxious behaviours can include avoidance - for example, simply avoiding social situations, or being excessively late, or making excuses to leave. They can also involve using mobile phones to avoid talking to others or making them uncomfortable. Their behaviour is centred on avoiding or escaping a situation that has made them uncomfortable and promoted anxiety. These responses and behaviours are essentially learned responses that enable reduction of anxiety. A sufferer from social anxiety may also excessively groom themselves or spend too long preparing for social situations - again a method to help them reduce their anxiety.
Symptoms of GAD are:Low levels of concentration. You know what you're supposed to do but you just can't get yourself to do them as you are constantly thinking about many things things are negative.On edge or loss of control. Are you noticing you argue a lot or tiny things can set you off? Tiredness. This symptom links in to the ones above. Constantly feeling lethargic resulting in not getting things done which your mind then dwells on you then become irritated, your body becomes fatigued as the muscle tension then keeps us tired and the cycle repeats.Constant negative thoughts. This is the biggest key to overcoming your anxiety. Negative thoughts can be that you're seeing something bad happening all the time. This in itself will restrict your life. Things like going on holiday, driving or leaving the house.
People who are unfortunate enough to suffer from social anxiety to a significant degree can find that their lives can be held back in terms of love and relationships, at work, with friends, at play, and even with their families. When these symptoms start to be triggered by everyday things such as meeting a stranger, starting a conversation, entering a new place or even holding eye contact with someone, then it can be a major problem. Fortunately, there are techniques available to help sufferers break free from this and live an anxiety free life.Stress and anxiety is very normal in everyone's life, but would you be able to recognise if you had any generalized anxiety disorder symptoms?
Normal anxiety is beneficial in an odd sort of way to complete tasks successfully and to respond to threats in a helpful way. Chronic, excessive and exaggerated worry without any valid causes for worry is called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD for short).When a person is constantly worried, nervous, anxious and uneasy for six months or more, he is said to suffer from this condition. GAD can affect a person physically, socially and occupationally. To avoid all the adverse effects of GAD, it must be diagnosed in the early stages. You should know the symptoms to help you make the right diagnosis.What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?It is important to note that everyone experiencing GAD does not have the same symptoms. The symptoms may vary from one person to another depending upon the cause and the severity of the disorder. However, there are some common symptoms of GAD. They are as follows:
This anxiety disorder can make living difficult for people; in fact, it has already affected over 19 million Americans. The important thing to point out is that many people are unaware of their situation and therefore know very little about their mental illness. It is often the duty and burden of friends and family to help these sufferers to cope by understanding their problem. This is when it becomes crucial to learn a little more about anxiety disorder symptoms.
What are the physical symptoms of GAD?Tightened, strained and tense muscles are one of the physical symptoms. When your muscles are stressed, you may feel persistent muscular pain.The next physical symptom is fatigue. If you have GAD, you feel exhausted and tired almost always.Insomnia - Most of the people who suffer from GAD have sleeping problems. They have difficulty in falling asleep and in staying asleep. Lack of sleep aggravates the anxiety problem.Stomach problems like nausea, abdominal pain and cramps and digestive problems are symptoms of anxiety.Light-headedness and headaches are common physical symptoms of GAD.Other physical symptoms include frequent urination, hot flashes, sweating, trembling, and trouble in swallowing and increase in the heartbeat.What are the behavioural symptoms of GAD?Difficulty in concentrating is the first and foremost behavioural symptom.
Another serious issue is that these people find it difficult to sleep at night. Sleep disturbance and unsatisfying sleep patterns are two definite symptoms that you can also relate to anxiety disorder. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand the importance of having a satisfying nights sleep. This is another reason why you will find anxiety disorder sufferers fatigued with low levels of energy.If you see these symptoms in a friend or family member, you should never rule out the possibility that they are suffering from anxiety disorder.
However, before you finally reach such a conclusion, it is important to check a few other symptoms such as irritability, difficult concentrating, and muscle tension. If you witness all of these symptoms in a person and over a period of time such as for the last few months, this is a sure sign of them becoming a victim of anxiety disorder. So, educate yourself about anxiety disorder symptoms to help your loved ones.