Napoleon Hill's writings only talked about a part of the Law of Success.Everything he says is true, however it's not the whole story.To understand how the law worked for the ultra successful men in his book, we have to look at why the law worked for them.
Succeed in School through Studying Yes, this sounds absolutely silly judging by how obvious it is, but it really does bear repeating: if you want to make it to the top of your class, you have to study AND study hard. The law of success truly rewards good old fashioned hard work and discipline, so don't try to skirt those nights when you really need to hit the books. And remember that studying isn't just about reading and memorizing. It's about understanding what you've been reading and memorizing. Exercise your brain as you read and you'll be able to recall essential details for class and exams much easier.
If they had to develop new abilities, they learned exactly what they were and how to proceed. They became precise and thorough in every aspect of their lives. They could assess a person and situation instantly and respond appropriately. Think of Donald Trump. They developed an instinct for finding the information that could help them. Their information environment wasn't handed to them, they had to figure it out. The process of Intending-to-figure-it-out developed within them the Ability to find and use the information they needed to be successful.
Change is uncertain: Familiarity signals safety but uncertainty is something you avoid. You cannot control what you do not know. Change has both positive and negative effects. Dealing with change produces stress but also provides opportunities. Change can be an opportunity rather than a problem.Change needs to be consciously managed to become positive. The better you adapt to change, the more successful you will be at the end.In some circumstances you may need to consider using the driving forces of change rather than resisting to change. If you resist to change, you will also resist to opportunities.You should take control of your mind to overcome self sabotage. Clearing the worries, doubts and self punishment out of your mind is a better way of dealing with change than letting all the internal chatter.
Succeed in School through Recitation You don't have to be a know-it-all to be great at recitation during class. While a lot of people sound like they're just showing off when they stand up and speak in the middle of a lecture, that's just one way of reciting. One great way to recite and use the law of success quite subtly is to ask more questions, rather than be the first one to blurt out the correct answer in an attempt to aggrandize yourself. Show to your teachers that you are genuinely curious about the lesson, and that you trust them to teach you more. This will definitely get you on their good side, and when grading comes at the end of the year, they'll remember you as the highly inquisitive one.
Succeed in School through Class Elections Class elections are an awesome way for you to practice the law of success in all its aspects. After all, it isn't just enough to be smart and hardworking when you want to win the vote of the majority. You also have to be likeable. You have to prove that people can most definitely trust you. If you are able to bring out the best in yourself and succeed in getting these people to root for you, then suffice it to say that you will have cemented your position as a bona fide success in school. Everyone loves and trusts the class president, so why can't he be you?
Change is an opportunity to force your mind to become creative. Creativity comes from obstacles so if you can use them, you can get closer to your goals. Success requires creative thoughts as ordinary people live ordinary lives. Dealing with change is an opportunity to be creative. All Laws of Success includes big or small changes so you should know dealing with change if you really want to achieve your goals.Nil Celen is an independent researcher about Mind Power, Laws of Success, Decision Making Steps and Goal Setting Theory from scientific resources.
Succeed in School through Studying Yes, this sounds absolutely silly judging by how obvious it is, but it really does bear repeating: if you want to make it to the top of your class, you have to study AND study hard. The law of success truly rewards good old fashioned hard work and discipline, so don't try to skirt those nights when you really need to hit the books. And remember that studying isn't just about reading and memorizing. It's about understanding what you've been reading and memorizing. Exercise your brain as you read and you'll be able to recall essential details for class and exams much easier.
If they had to develop new abilities, they learned exactly what they were and how to proceed. They became precise and thorough in every aspect of their lives. They could assess a person and situation instantly and respond appropriately. Think of Donald Trump. They developed an instinct for finding the information that could help them. Their information environment wasn't handed to them, they had to figure it out. The process of Intending-to-figure-it-out developed within them the Ability to find and use the information they needed to be successful.
Change is uncertain: Familiarity signals safety but uncertainty is something you avoid. You cannot control what you do not know. Change has both positive and negative effects. Dealing with change produces stress but also provides opportunities. Change can be an opportunity rather than a problem.Change needs to be consciously managed to become positive. The better you adapt to change, the more successful you will be at the end.In some circumstances you may need to consider using the driving forces of change rather than resisting to change. If you resist to change, you will also resist to opportunities.You should take control of your mind to overcome self sabotage. Clearing the worries, doubts and self punishment out of your mind is a better way of dealing with change than letting all the internal chatter.
Succeed in School through Recitation You don't have to be a know-it-all to be great at recitation during class. While a lot of people sound like they're just showing off when they stand up and speak in the middle of a lecture, that's just one way of reciting. One great way to recite and use the law of success quite subtly is to ask more questions, rather than be the first one to blurt out the correct answer in an attempt to aggrandize yourself. Show to your teachers that you are genuinely curious about the lesson, and that you trust them to teach you more. This will definitely get you on their good side, and when grading comes at the end of the year, they'll remember you as the highly inquisitive one.
Succeed in School through Class Elections Class elections are an awesome way for you to practice the law of success in all its aspects. After all, it isn't just enough to be smart and hardworking when you want to win the vote of the majority. You also have to be likeable. You have to prove that people can most definitely trust you. If you are able to bring out the best in yourself and succeed in getting these people to root for you, then suffice it to say that you will have cemented your position as a bona fide success in school. Everyone loves and trusts the class president, so why can't he be you?
Change is an opportunity to force your mind to become creative. Creativity comes from obstacles so if you can use them, you can get closer to your goals. Success requires creative thoughts as ordinary people live ordinary lives. Dealing with change is an opportunity to be creative. All Laws of Success includes big or small changes so you should know dealing with change if you really want to achieve your goals.Nil Celen is an independent researcher about Mind Power, Laws of Success, Decision Making Steps and Goal Setting Theory from scientific resources.